Songs to Sing


Two Little Duckies I once knew
a fat one a skinny there were two
but the one little ducky with the feathers on he back, he ruled the rest with his quack quack quack
down the river they would go
wibble wobble two and fro
but the one little ducky with the feathers on he back, he ruled the rest with his quack quack quack

3 Blind Mice

Three blind mice,
Three blind mice,
See how they run!
See how they run!
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails,
With a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
As three blind mice.

A-B-C-D-E-F-G, Jesus died for you and me

Jesus died for you and me
Jesus died for sinful men, AMEN!
I believe God's word is true,
God has promised you
A home eternally.


 "Alice, where are you going?"
"Upstairs, to take a bath."
Alice, with legs like toothpicks
And a neck like a giraffe!

Alice got in the bathtub,
Alice pulled out the plug.
Oh, my gracious! Oh, my soul!
There goes Alice down the hole!
"Alice, where are you going?"
Blub! Blub! Blub!

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